Facebook Messenger 2.2.5-release تطبيق فيس بوك ماسنجر الاصدار الاخير

Facebook Messenger 2.2.5-release تطبيق فيس بوك ماسنجر الاصدار الاخير

^^ مرحبا واهلا وسهلا بجميع زوار مدونة "كوكل لي" الكرام , نتمنا لكم قضاء امتع الاوقات معنا ^^

Text your friends for free. Get Facebook Messenger to instantly reach friends on their smart phones, feature phones or desktop computers. In addition to sending free texts, you can also:
Message friends and contacts.
- Get started fast — log in with your Facebook account, or just use your phone number
- Send voice messages, photos, smileys and other emoji
- Get push notifications
Make plans on the go with social messaging features.
- Message a friend or start a group conversation
- Include your location to let friends know you’re nearby

Facebook Messenger
DEVELOPER:FacebookSIZE:5.4 MBVERSION:2.2.5-releaseUPDATE DATE:January 23, 2013

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